topic: 202111250917- Elements of health alias: tags:#permanent-note#health#on/creation

My writing (250-300 words)

Here are the basic elements of helath

Food exists on a spectrum- it’s not just good or bad.

An apple is unprocessed and completely natural. Something like applie juice is much more processed. And something like candy apples is highly processed. The whole idea is that food is on a spectrum. And it’s not absolutely good or bad.

If you can move away from binary thinking- then you can make progress.

Sleep well and enough- that’s really the biggest one

If you can get enough sleep- and deal with your stress and anxiety, then you’ll be in a much better position to work on your health. Sleep is the miracle drug that no one really takes. There are so many benefits to getting good sleep. But we still treat sleep deprivation like it’s some kind of superpower.

In reality, being able to sleep well and accept sleep is better.

Find ways to move, and not just exercise.

A culture of exercising takes away from the fact that we just need to be moving all the time. Though going to the gym and exercising is better than nothing, we still should be moving all the time as much as possible. So it’s not just outsourcing your exercise to a bit of time.

Move all the time, as much as you can.

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