For example, you can 100x your effectiveness by setting up a system. But most of the time people won’t see your system at work. They’ll only ever see your output.

Because top performers have this hidden system that you cannot see, their work looks easy and effortless.

It’s one of the paradoxes of life: The easier it looks, the harder it is.

It’s one of the paradoxes in fitness- the easier someone makes it look, the more effort went into getting to that point.

But that work is completely invisible.. They have secret systems. Things that no one will ever see.

It’s like how I’m setting up a system for writing. So I don’t have to remember anything.

I just have to do some work. Show up. And the system takes care of the rest.

If every day I have to wake up and decide what to do and motivate myself then it’s definitely not going to flow for me.

When you hire a professional, like a personal trainer, what you want them to do is to help you customize and set up your own system.

Combine their expertise with your own experience and self understanding. Your advantage is that only you know what will work for you. So you can tweak it to your specific needs and personality and likes and dislikes.

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