As the researchers predicted, moms who scored higher on self-compassion were more likely to have a healthier relationship with food .

Their diets were higher quality.

They were more likely to be intuitive eaters.

They were less likely to experience emotional eating.

But here’s what’s really interesting: Mothers with higher levels of self-compassion were also found to have higher levels of body esteem. (View Highlight)

Mindfulness: “Oh, yep. I’m eating my feelings right now. This doesn’t feel super great, but I don’t feel like I can stop.”

Common humanity: “You know, this is a pretty understandable response to what I’m going through. Lots of other people deal with emotional eating when they’re stressed, too.”

Self-kindness: “I’m going to be alright. I’ll start by taking a deep breath. Then I can decide what I do next, and whatever I decide to do will be okay.” (View Highlight)

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