
Applying for this job is a long shot

Truth is

I’m a new copywriter. I’m so new that I’ve only worked on one landing page - a B2B vehicle export company website

You see my background is in education - I’ve been a teacher for 15 years

And my writing experience is in research for academic journals. So I can research, generate ideas, plan, write, and edit

But, so what, right?

None of this means I’m a great copywriter

But it does mean I can follow a brief and a style guide. And I can meet deadlines.

And my ego isn’t too big to take the scissors to my writing. Or rewrite sections. (All that time cutting my thesis down from 18,000 words to 8,000 words for submission wasn’t a waste of time after all)

I’m new so my copy might suck. And I’ll need guidance from more experienced writers. (Like I said, applying is a long shot)

But, if the only thing I gain from applying for this job is seeing your testimonial-based comparison copy, then that’s good enough. Because they’ve given me some ideas for the site I’m working on now.
