I want to be a really powerful and successful health coach, but I’m not a doctor, a nutritionist or a physical therapist.

And that makes me pause. “Am I qualified to do this?” “Am I the best person to help people make these changes”

But I saw this paragraph from Jon Goodman

Don’t let your perceived inexperience or perceived inadequacy related to your peers stop you. Your client doesn’t need your advanced knowledge. Odds are they already know what they should be doing.

Your success as a coach depends on how good you are at getting them to do what they already know they should do.

And I know I can help people make change!

I am a good listener and a good coach. And if someone has the objections above, then they may not be the best fit for me.

Read more at: 5-Reps: Spousal objections, comparison, and the truth about content creators

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