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People’s attributes are domain-specific

Just because Frank is good at ABC doesn’t mean he’s good at XYZ.

Imagination is domain-specific…sometimes a person’s attributes cross domains, but don’t assume they do. This is related to the Dunning-Kruger Effect. (not included in the LYT Kit)

In essence, we must not conflate people’s excellence in one area with their competence in another. People’s attributes are domain-specific. For example, just because they can write, doesn’t mean they can sing. Maybe they can, maybe they can’t, but don’t just automatically think they can.

One of the producers on a TV show was good at writing, but inept in producing during the post-production phase.

Interestingly, I heard a very similar quote from one of the ancient Stoics, Epictetus, who said,

“Don’t confuse qualities found in the same writer only incidentally. If Plato had been strong and handsome, should I also try to become strong and handsome as if this were essential to philosophy, since there was one particular philosopher who combined philosophy with good looks?” - Epictetus

  • Back Matter
    • dates:: 2018-02-20