The creator game is a complex landscape of social dynamics, persuasion, and competition. It’s easy to get swept up in the collective mania of trends, especially when other creators loudly proclaim the importance of certain tactics or platforms. But here’s the kicker: often, these proclamations stem from their own insecurities. They’re shouting to drown out their own doubts.

In my own journey, I’ve realized that the most sustainable path is to be authentically yourself. Sure, you can adopt successful strategies from others, but only to a point. The moment you start to lose sight of why you entered this space—to share your unique insights, skills, or art—that’s when you veer off course.

The creator path is not the default path. You didn’t choose it to become a carbon copy of someone else. You chose it to write, create videos, build software, or in my case, to coach and inspire people to live healthier lives. The essence of your work should be a reflection of your unique relationship to it. Everything else is just noise.

So, how do you navigate this? By engaging deeply with your work and constantly re-evaluating your strategies. Are they aligned with your authentic self? If not, it’s time to pivot. Because in the creator game, authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s your most valuable asset.

Read more at: How To Play (and Win) The Creator Game

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