Life is inherently strange, unpredictable, and full of surprises. While this can be disconcerting when contemplating “big picture” issues like climate change or mortality, there’s a liberating aspect to it. Embracing life’s weirdness can actually take the edge off existential worries.

When you accept that life is a series of unexpected events, challenges, and joys, it becomes easier to navigate its complexities. This perspective can make even the most daunting issues seem less overwhelming. It’s like turning life into an ever-changing landscape that you’re exploring without a map. And when the time comes for life’s final chapter, instead of distress, you may find yourself saying, “Wow, that was odd,” appreciating the unique journey you’ve had.

Remember, the unpredictability isn’t a bug; it’s a feature. It keeps life fresh, interesting, and worth living, day in and day out.

Read more at: Don’t Forget How Strange This All Is

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