Idea Name

Context / Source

The Peter Attia Drive #212 - The Neuroscience of Obesity | Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.

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Key Idea

The lipostat makes it easier to gain weight than to lose weight

If you deviate from that, it starts to engage a coordinated series of physiological and behavioral responses to restore the previous level of body fat. This system works better at protecting against fat loss than it does against fat gain. And certainly over long periods of time, we see that the average person in a country like the US tends to gain fat, the life of status not stopping them or at least it’s not preventing them. It might be resisting, but it’s not stopping the process of weight gain. But we see that it actually is quite vigorous at defending against weight loss and this is part of the cruelty of or the

See also

Habit formation and weight control