topic: 202112081034- Don’t be all or nothing with exercise alias: tags:#permanent-note#gray#all-or-nothing

My writing (250-300 words)

“The test of a first-rate mind is the ability to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time while still retaining the ability to function.”

“He cannot ‘be here now’ because he wants all future possibilities to be actualized along with the present one. There is never enough time for anything. He races through life thinking that- as each minute ticks away- he is missing out on gratification… Because he is constantly feeling from the disclosure of his own mortality… he elects to remain locked in his own ego

  • Soren Kierkegaard”

When it comes to exercise, stop being all or nothing

This is one of the biggest myths in health

So you say: either I run 30 minutes a day or I don’t even run at all. We want to be everything all at once, and we cannot accept that there are small intermediate steps on the way there. We prefer to imagine the end goal, and we wish it were real right now- all of it right now.

But that’s completely the opposite

The path to success instead is about thinking gray

That spiritual ability to see how it’s not all black or white. But rather there’s a lot of in between. And you can exist in that in between. You don’t have to everything all at once. You can choose to be in the middle.

And that’s how you grow

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