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url: No Motivation To Do Anything? Here’s Why. | Precision Nutrition You’re Not Lazy: The Real Reason Your Health Habits Crumbled During the Pandemic Learn How to Build Nutrition and Fitness Practices That Last Krista Scott-Dixon

Key Ideas

Too many people think of their healthy habits like an on/off switch. They’re either exercising everyday—or they’re not exercising at all. They’re eating whole foods 100% of the time—or just not bothering. (View Highlight)

To support fitness and nutrition habits—especially during major life upheavals—you need solid sleep, stress management, and recovery (View Highlight)

That’s interesting because it’s so easy to get caught up in perfectionism, in making sure you do things 100% correctly. You’re always relying on willpower to get things done. But at the end of the day, it’s more your systems that carry you through the day

That reminds me of imperfect motivation

It’s similar because if the goal is to keep moving and not skip, you take what you can and you build your systems. And it’s important not to judge yourself at all at any point

It’s different because one is about systems and one is about mental motivation

It’s important because to cover all bases