As an entrepreneur, I know the pressures of a high-demand lifestyle. But imagine this issue under the lens of wage slavery—where every second is dictated by the employer’s whims. This is where “revenge bedtime procrastination” finds its roots. This term refers to the act of delaying sleep in favor of scrolling through social media or engaging in other non-fulfilling activities. It’s a cry for autonomy, a rebellion against a system that has us clocked in around the clock.

The idea of procrastination as a form of quiet rebellion is particularly compelling. According to the essay, there’s even a hint that this could evolve into a social movement. What’s eye-opening here is the proposal that this form of procrastination isn’t just wasting time but potentially a building block for larger societal change.

It’s intriguing to consider how seemingly trivial actions might just be the starting point for a broader movement. But it also serves as a wakeup call for entrepreneurs like me. When business challenges weigh me down, I remember this could be the reality for most—stuck in a never-ending cycle where even rest is a luxury.

We should not only listen to these subtle signs of unrest but also work towards creating environments—be it in corporations or startups—where people don’t feel the need to rebel in such a quiet, almost sad, way. After all, when small acts of rebellion like this start to gain linguistic and societal context, who knows what could happen next?

Read more at: Failure to Cope “Under Capitalism”

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