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How to Overcome the worry and get active again

“I’d love to exercise again, but I’m afraid I’ll do it wrong”

Does this sound like you?

One deep breath, here’s what you need to remember:

  1. You don’t need to be perfect to reap the benefits of exercise

I was reading an article the other day about how so many of us are afraid to get back into shape because we’re afraid of getting injured. And it made me think about how I used to feel the same way. I was injured a lot when I was younger and it always seemed to happen at the worst possible times. I would be in the middle of a race or training for a big event and I would get injured.

It was always so frustrating because I knew I was capable of so much more. But the fear of getting injured again was always holding me back.

I’m not sure what changed for me, but at some point, I decided that I was going to start moving again. And I was going to do it injury-free.

If you want to overcome your fear here a few things to try

  1. Avoid overprotecting your body

We often think that if we wrap ourselves in bubble wrap and never put ourselves in harm’s way, we’ll be safe from injury.

But the truth is, this isn’t really living. And, it’s not an effective way to prevent injuries. Instead, we need to find a balance between protecting our bodies and exposing them to some risk. This means accepting that there is a certain amount of risk involved in everything we do, and learning to live with that.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we should be reckless and throw caution to the wind. But it does mean we need to be more mindful of the risks we’re taking, and make sure we’re prepared for them.

  1. Get out of fear reinforcing places, like the internet

If you’re like most people, the thought of getting injured can be a bit scary. And if you’re someone who’s constantly looking for information on the internet about how to avoid getting injured, you might be inadvertently reinforcing your fear.

Here’s the thing: when it comes to injury, there’s no such thing as a completely safe place. Sure, you can take all the precautions in the world, but at the end of the day, there’s always a chance that something could happen.

So, if you’re looking to overcome your fear of injury, one of the best things you can do is to get out of fear-reinforcing places like the internet. Instead, focus on enjoying your life and living in the moment.

Sure, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved in whatever you’re doing. But if you’re constantly living in fear of getting injured, you’re not going to enjoy your life very much.

So, next time you’re feeling scared about the possibility of getting injured, take a step back and remember that life is meant to be enjoyed, not feared.

  1. Find people who support your return to play and activity

It’s been almost a year since I suffered a serious knee injury that sidelined me from my favorite sports and activities. The recovery process has been long and difficult, and there have been times when I thought I would never be able to return to the level of activity I was once able to enjoy.

Thankfully, I have had the support of family and friends throughout my recovery, and their encouragement has been instrumental in helping me get back to where I am today. If you’re currently dealing with the fear of injury and are unsure about returning to your previous level of activity, I urge you to find people who will support your decision and help you along the way.

The road to recovery can be a long and difficult one, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are others who have been through similar experiences and who understand what you’re going through. These people can offer valuable advice and support, and they can help you overcome your fears.

If you’re ready to take the next step, find people who will support your return to play and activity. With their help, you can get back to doing the things you love, injury-free.

  1. Accept that injury is possible, but discover what is worth it

Injuries are an unfortunate and, at times, unavoidable part of life. While we all hope to avoid them, the reality is that they can happen to anyone, at any time. And, while some injuries are more serious than others, even the most minor ones can cause a great deal of fear and anxiety.

If you’re someone who lives in fear of being injured, it’s important to understand that your fear is valid. Injuries can be incredibly painful and can have a long-lasting impact on your life. However, it’s important to remember that injuries are also a part of life. They’re something that happen to everyone, and they’re not always avoidable.

The key to overcoming your fear of injury is to accept that they’re a possibility, but to also discover what is worth it. For example, if you’re afraid of being injured while playing sports, ask yourself if the joy and satisfaction you get from playing is worth the risk of injury. In most cases, the answer will be yes.

Remember, injuries are a part of life. They’re not something to be feared, but something to be accepted. And, while they can be difficult to deal with, they’re also a reminder of what’s truly important in life.

  1. Move for enjoyment as much as possible

We all know the feeling: that dread in the back of your mind that injury will happen if you push your body too hard. It’s a common fear, especially when it comes to physical activity. But the good news is, you can overcome this fear by moving for enjoyment as much as possible.

Exercise should be something that you look forward to, not something that you dread. And the best way to make sure that it is something you enjoy is to find an activity that you love. It doesn’t have to be a high-intensity workout; it can be something as simple as going for a walk or a bike ride.

The key is to find an activity that you can do consistently, and that you can do for an extended period of time. This will help your body to adapt and become stronger, which will in turn help to reduce the fear of injury.

So, if you’re looking to overcome the fear of injury, move for enjoyment as much as possible. Find an activity that you love, and make it a part of your regular routine. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

It’s impossible to 100% avoid injury- that’s simply a fact.

I’m not saying that I never get injured anymore. I’m just saying that I’m no longer afraid of it.

If you’re someone who is afraid of getting injured, I encourage you to start moving again. Start slow and listen to your body. You might be surprised at what you’re capable of.