There’s a case of a 101-year-old man who wanted to be able to wheel his own wheelchair down the hall to read the newspaper.

The man embarked on a weight training plan. “He got to the point where he could use a walker to go down and read the newspaper,”

It’s an extreme illustration, of the point: it’s never too late.

Of course you’re not going to be like your 20 year old self And sometimes that’s the point.

If you can let go of the past then you can start to work on your health today.

The goal is not to be exactly like you were when you were 20 years old. The goal is to be the healthiest version of yourself today.

That’s interesting because most of what we see online is not healthy and It really sucks that most fitness stuff is not for regular people

That reminds me of The too late feeling

It’s similar because everyone feels like they cannot turn back the clock. And there is a point where it’s over. I’m not saying that everything is reversible.

It’s different because Some people feel like they didn’t do anything when they were younger. Some people feel like they didn’t do enough.

It’s important because either way you have to let go of the past and start doing the work today

Read more at: Why It’s Never Too Late to Get Healthy and It’s not too late to get in better shape - Harvard Health

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